
Showing posts from February, 2020

Difference between Rest and OData ?

Are you curious about what is REST and OData? Then, this article is for you. In it, you will find an explanation of what is REST, how it is applied to the construction of RESTful APIs; what is OData and how it is used to build web services, and the differences between the two.   Brief comparison The table below summarizes the main similarities and differences between REST APIs and OData Services. Table1: REST and OData comparison As the table shows, both technologies follow REST principles, although OData is more relaxed in that, if there is a good reason to avoid its use, it lets you do so. Thus the OData Protocol is more comprehensive than the REST model, as in addition to the use of the REST principles, it provides a way to describe both the data and the data model. So, let’s go deep into the details by explaining each of the concepts mentioned in the above table. What is REST Representational State Transfer, or better known as REST is a software a...

ABAP Managed Database Procedures – Introduction

ABAP Managed Database Procedures – Introduction What are AMDPs… ABAP Managed Database Procedures are a new feature in AS ABAP allowing developers to write database procedures directly in ABAP. You can think of a Database Procedure as a function stored and executed in the database. The implementation language varies from one database system to another. In SAP HANA it is SQL Script. Using AMDP allows developers to create and execute those database procedures in the ABAP environment using ABAP methods and ABAP data types. This video will show you more details… AMDPs are introduced to easily enable you to get the best out of ABAP for HANA following the “code push-down” paradigm first introduced with SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.4 last year. More information on this paradigm can be found here:  ABAP for HANA and “Code Push-Down” . … and why should I use them ? As you can imagine (and hopefully have already experienced) calculations executed while retrieving the da...

Call oData Service in Fiori App

In this tutorial, we will talk about  OData model   and hand hold you to create a front-end application and call the OData Model to perform the CRUD Operations. Using OData Model, you can consume the OData Service. For this we need to create an OData Service and implement  C REATE,  R EAD,  U PDATE and  D ELETE methods of the service. Then we need to create an  OData Model Instance  in the UI5 application and call these methods using  read (),  create (),  update () and  remove () functions respectively of the OData model. So let’s start… Business scenario :  Customer wants to display records from a custom table onto the UI5 application and provide functions of Read, Create, Update and Delete to the end users . Step 1: Get a Custom Table ready for us to play Creating a custom table by the name ‘zuserdata’ with id, name, email and mobile fields. Step 2: Creating an OData service Go to transaction SEGW...